Heavy Duty Transport Dolly

Heavy Duty Transport Dolly
As part of the Bosch Click & GO system, this Bosch L-DOLLY comes in handy when it's time to transport fully loaded L-Boxx's and other materials to and from the job site. Single-click stacking capability allows the L-Boxx cases to lock together--and to the dolly--for quick, secure portability. The durably built dolly features heavy-duty plastic construction for reliable performance. Rubber-wrapped wheels and ball-bearing casters allow for smooth transport across finished floors. The Bosch L-DOLLY accommodates the following cases: L-Boxx-1, L-Boxx-2, L-Boxx-3, L-Boxx-4, L-Boxx-3D, and L-Boxx-1A (cases sold separately).
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